Tuesday Vespers The Contemplative Life

Tuesday Vespers is a part of the CSLGLV Sacred Circles Program.
Join licensed Practitioner Justin Vogel for a bi-weekly book study starting with the Joel Goldsmith book “The Contemplative Life”.

The Contemplative Life is a guide for those who are seeking a way to be “in the world but not of it.” In this book, Goldsmith explains how to bridge the gap between the compelling activities of daily living and the absolute silence of our inner Being, where we are one with God. He brings fresh insight to the practice of contemplation and meditation and explains how to make the mind an instrument for the free flowing of the Spirit.

In The Contemplative Life, Goldsmith explains the life of contemplation and its mystical outcome: spiritual unfoldment and spiritual oneness. He explains how to become aware of the presence of God within and how we can come into the fullness of the scriptural promise that when we take no thought and seek God first, all things will be added unto us. In revealing how the practice of contemplation leads to actual inner experience of truth, Goldsmith covers topics such as conscious awareness, daily preparation for spiritual living, contemplative meditation, the secret of supply, and being a beholder of God’s grace.

Book study Dates:

June 13th - Introductions and light conversation
June 27th - Chapters 1 and 2
July 11th - Chapters 3 and 4
July 25th - Chapters 5 and 6
August 8th - Chapters 7 and 8
August 22nd - Chapters 9 and 10
No Group September 5th
September 12th - Chapters 11 and 12

6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Pacific Time on Zoom
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Tuesday Vespers is a part of the CSLGLV Sacred Circles Program.