SoulCrafters Sacred Circle

SoulCrafters Sacred Circle is a part of the CSLGLV Sacred Circles Program.

This is a transformative group that embraces the power of creativity as a spiritual practice. In this dynamic and inclusive space, participants embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual connection through various forms of artistic expression.

This group invites individuals from all walks of life to explore the intersection of creativity and spirituality. Through guided activities such as drawing, painting, crafting, and other creative outlets, participants tap into their inner wellsprings of inspiration and connect with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

SoulCrafters is not just about creating art; it's a journey of spiritual awakening where individuals can discover new facets of themselves, connect with others on a profound level, and cultivate a sense of mindfulness and presence through the transformative power of creativity. Join us in this collaborative and enriching exploration of the soul's expressive dimensions.

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SoulCrafters Sacred Circle is a part of the CSLGLV Sacred Circles Program.